Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Update on Nick from July 12, 2012 **Out of order**

Hi All!

I’ve been waiting to hear the final results on Nick’s MRI, but since I haven’t heard anything I decided to go ahead and share what I know.

The preliminary results are that the MRI is negative. The only thing noted in the radiologist’s report is a cyst in the maxillary sinus.

I use the term “preliminary” because I haven’t actually spoken with Nick’s oncologist about the MRI results at this time. I have learned from past experience not to completely rely on the radiology report until Nick’s oncologist has reviewed the scans WITH the entire team.

Since I haven’t heard anything, I am taking the “no news is good news” approach. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. This is a huge praise.

We still don’t have an answer to what could be causing Nick’s occasional balance issues. The next steps and tests are still to be decided. An EEG is not out of the question.

Nick had his lab work, chemo, and IVIG last week before the MRI. He did very well. He didn’t have any nausea issues this time. Another huge praise. The only real post treatment issue Nick had was fatigue. He tired easily and stayed more tired for about 4 days after his chemo. That seems to be the pattern of how things are going to be with the chemo now.

Nick will have a checkup with the kidney specialist this coming Tuesday, July 17. Yes, it’s another trip down to Birmingham. It’s just becoming too complicated to see more than one specialist in one day now.

Nick’s next chemo treatment is scheduled for Wednesday, July 25. Yes, that is the week after the trip to see the kidney doc. Ugh...I am so tired of these trips.

Approximately three weeks after the July 25 visit, Nick will likely be scheduled to have GI scopes (some combination of endoscopy, colonoscopy, pill camera) done to check the progress of the genetic disease that caused Keith’s cancer and death. Nick will also be scheduled to have CT scans to check the progress of the cancer and receive his chemo and IVIG around this same time. Yes, we will likely be spending at least one night in Birmingham. It’s going to take at least two days for all of this to be done. At this time, I don’t anticipate there to be a hospital stay, unless something happens during the scoping procedure. The kids and I will likely stay in a hotel near the hospital.

There are lots of prayer requests in this email. Please pray as God leads.

Please also continue to pray for the stuff from the wreck Kacie and I were in to get settled. It’s taking a long time to get the settlement worked out. I don’t want to involve an attorney, but I may have no choice in the matter.

Our physical injuries are getting better with every passing day. Kacie’s knee is getting stronger, but she still has some soreness to deal with. I guess the same can be said about my shoulder. 

Please pray for me. I’ve been looking for a job for a few months and haven’t found one. I REALLY need more income. I am also having to look at health insurance options for Nick. His insurance and social security benefits will cancel once he graduates in May 2013.

Thank you for the continued thoughts and prayers. It’s been a long, hard road and doesn’t seem to be getting any shorter or easier.

Trying to remain...
In HIS Grip,
Kristy Baxley

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